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Scope of Engineering In Nepal

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Scope of Engineering In Nepal
engineering is the one of the greatest course in the is the backbone of the country. the development of the country directly affected by the quality of engineering.there are the various part of the engineering, some of them are civil engineering, electrical engineering, computer and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering ,environmental engineering, geomatics engineering etc. all of the above sector of the engineering are equally important for the development of the country and for increasing the standard of the country. but today I am going to explain the scope of four main engineering course in the aspect of Nepal.
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is the one of the most popular field in the context of Nepal. After the Gorkha earthquick, the demand of the civil engineering are increasing day by day. it is the field related to the construction, development and design. many building, historical place, and transportation structure are failed due to the earth quick 2015 .so, for the reconstruction of the failed structure there is the huge demand of the civil engineers.
most of the part of the Nepal is in hilly area so for the development of the project in hilly area many types of skilled civil engineer are required. Following are the some branches of the civil engineering.
1)    Structural engineering
It is the branch of the engineering related to the design and analysis of the any structure. these day structural engineering has one of the most scope in the context of Nepal.
2)    Transportation engineering
transportation engineering related to the construction design and planning of the road, airport, railway etc. transportation engineering is one of the most popular field in the context of the Nepal

3)    Water recourses engineering
this is the course related to the water related structure. mainly Nepal is the water rich resources country in the world, so,  it is also wide popular field in context of Nepal.

4)    Geotechnical engineering
this is the branch of the civil engineering related to the soil structure. during these days, this field also popular. Due to the reason  of the slope, stability and many other factor of the soil in the context of  Nepal geotechnical engineer play the important role for the development of country.
Electrical engineering

electrical engineering also one of the popular branch of the engineering in the context of Nepal. Electrical engineering design the different electrical part like turbine and study  about the proper feasibility of the machine ,fitting the electrical instrument. Electrical engineer study about the control system of the electrical instrument. they develop the new electrical instrument and help to increase the performance of the electrical equipment,in the field of hydropower, mainly electrical engineer are selected for the project task. hydropower development is increasing day by,we can say that,electrical engineering is also the one of the popular field in the context of Nepal.
Electronics and Computer engineering
This is the era of the technology and science. electronics and computer engineering are the branch of the engineering related to the software basis engineering. electronics and computer engineering are develop the web, software and making the some micro parts of the computer. software are created by using the program coding. Nepal also leading towards the development of different technology so electronics and computer engineering has the great role to develop the technology communication. after the implementation of the constitution, many regional level of the Nepal starts the work by using different types of application. for the development of the software, there is the great role of the electronics and computer engineering. so can say that electronics and computer engineering has also great scope in the case of Nepal.
 Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering is the one of the great and high level engineering course all over the world. Mechanical engineering is related to the design the part of the machine like heat machine and many more. They develop the control system of the machine. In the last 5 years Nepal also try to make the new industrial area in the different region of the Nepal. mechanical engineer are only know about the  control system of the machine. So ,we can say that mechanical engineer are the backbone for the development of the country in the field of industry. so, mechanical engineer has also great scope in the field of Nepal.

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